B2C marketplace fulfilment

For brands operating on B2C marketplaces, the threat of delisting due to non-compliance with SLAs/CPTs (Customer Promise Time) is a major concern. Delisting can significantly impact visibility, sales, and market presence, making it essential to consistently meet marketplace standards.

Brands must prioritize meeting and exceeding these benchmarks to not only survive but thrive in the competitive marketplace environment.  The common challenge brand faces:

    • Navigating the complex and varying rules across different platforms.
    • Rapidly adjusting to policy shifts to stay compliant.
    • Handling volume spikes during sales period and peak seasons
    • Managing key metrics like Order Fulfillment Rate (including accuracy, timely processing, on-time delivery and CPT).
    • Keeping optimal stock levels across multiple channels.
    • Managing returns and maximizing success rates in SPF claims.
    • Integration with marketplace platforms for data exchange and order processing.
    • Integration with marketplace platforms for data exchange and order processing.


How an experienced “Logistics Service Provider (LSP)” can help:

Partnering with a logistics service provider who understands these complexities and has a proven track record in B2C marketplace operations can help you maintain your listings and enhance visibility by ensuring consistent compliance.

  1. Speedy Onboarding with Marketplaces: An LSP can expedite marketplace onboarding through expertise in processes and tech integration, reducing time-to-market and delisting risks.
  1. Navigating Marketplace Guidelines:With dynamic marketplace policies, a responsive LSP ensures ongoing compliance by quickly adjusting operations to meet evolving requirements.
  1. Period sales spikes and Peak Season Performance:An experienced LSP ensures your success through pre-planning and flexible scaling, providing skilled resources and the capacity needed to handle surges in demand.
  1. Rapid Fulfilment for Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:A logistics provider with the capability for same-day order processing can boost the brand’s customer satisfaction and improve marketplace standing, reducing delisting risks.
  1. Balancing Multi-Channel Fulfillment: A logistics service provider (LSP) can expertly manage sales channels by implementing effective order prioritization based on factors like order value, delivery deadlines, and customer segmentation, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  1. Optimizing Inventory Across Channels: A logistics provider capable of managing inventory from a single pool across channels prevents stock issues, reduces costs and loss of sales.
  1. Effective Returns Management: Returns, including complex SPF claims, can be streamlined by an LSP through tech implementation, efficient processes, and specialized teams. This approach optimizes return handling, lowers costs, and improves claim acceptance rates.
  1. LSP with Logistics Tech Capabilities: An LSP with integrated WMS capabilities ensures seamless order processing, real-time stock visibility, and compliance with marketplace SLAs.

Avoiding delisting and thriving in the competitive e-commerce landscape requires more than just meeting SLAs/CPTs—it demands excellence in every aspect of fulfilment. By partnering with a logistics provider that understands these challenges and leverages technology, you can ensure your brand stays compliant, your customers stay satisfied, and your listings remain secure. In the fast-paced world of B2C marketplaces, a seamless fulfilment process isn’t just a goal—it’s the key to sustained success.

Interested in discovering how Holisol Logistics can help you stay compliant while boosting your marketplace visibility? Connect with our industry expert Vikram Verma at [email protected].