20 05, 2023

Solving Complexity with Tech – End-to-End Supply Chain

By |May 20th, 2023|Blogs|Comments Off on Solving Complexity with Tech – End-to-End Supply Chain

Solving Complexity with Tech – End-to-End Supply Chain
The success of a business largely depends on the effectiveness of its supply chain, which can be disrupted by delays, errors, or unforeseen circumstances, resulting in lower customer satisfaction and loss of sales. Achieving a well-executed supply chain, however, is a complex task, particularly when it comes to balancing the intricacies of upstream and downstream operations.

Many businesses tend to focus on technology solutions for either upstream or downstream operations separately, leading to an isolated approach. This approach can result in a disjointed view of the supply chain and a lack of comprehensive understanding […]

1 12, 2021

Warehousing Vs Fulfilment

By |December 1st, 2021|Blogs|Comments Off on Warehousing Vs Fulfilment

Warehousing Vs Fulfilment
 Fulfilment is about product ‘availability’ and warehousing is about ‘storage and distribution’

Fulfilment and warehousing, though often considered substitutable in the world of logistics, are actually, very different in nature and the objectives that they are expected to achieve. While no one can deny that these fundamental cogs in the wheel of the Supply Chain super structure have a whole lot in common, understanding their differences is critical in order to make informed decisions especially when it comes to choosing relevant 3PL services.

Let’s look at some of the core differences between Warehousing and Fulfilment to help you gain a […]

15 10, 2021

Win Over Market Uncertainties With Flexible And Versatile Logistics Partners

By |October 15th, 2021|Blogs|Comments Off on Win Over Market Uncertainties With Flexible And Versatile Logistics Partners

A flexible and versatile logistics partner can be your win-win solution for any and every market uncertainty. Read on to find out how you can identify these attributes in logistics companies and how these core elements can help your business thrive.

While it is true that change is the only constant in the world of trade and logistics, the 2019 Global Pandemic has slapped us all awake in terms of how quick, drastic and dramatic ‘change’ can be. Slow and steady transformation is a luxury that no growth-based logistics company can afford in this geo-politically challenged scenario.

What is needed is enormous […]

21 08, 2021

Time to re-evaluate the packaging process from a logistics perspective

By |August 21st, 2021|Blogs|Comments Off on Time to re-evaluate the packaging process from a logistics perspective

Over the last few months, companies have seen steep increase in the prices of packaging commodities. Conventional packing suppliers are left with no option but to demand an increase in pricing from their buyers. And buyers, on the other hand, are under pressure to maintain balance between demand and supply of packing material without affecting the costs. It’s a “Tug of War” situation that’s getting created between suppliers and buyers. A routine negotiation process is going to help buyers just to buy time, but not very long? A long lasting solution has become a necessity of time for all buyers. […]

20 07, 2021

Remedying Unique Supply Chain Challenges In The Cosmetic Industry 2021

By |July 20th, 2021|Blogs|Comments Off on Remedying Unique Supply Chain Challenges In The Cosmetic Industry 2021

The cosmetic industry abound with innovations and transformations is all geared up to bridge the sudden gap in sales that had followed the global pandemic crisis last year. For an industry that stood at $483B in 2020 stands at $511B in 2021 and is expected to hit an epic high of $784.6B by 2025.

As per industry forecasts, there will be massive shifts in trends with respect to products in demand, consumer behavior and purchase touchpoints, some of which have made their presence felt in the market already.

Tapping into growth opportunities will be possible for brands, retailers, ecommerce sellers, online shops […]

25 12, 2020

Refocusing to Handle the Post-2020 Season

By |December 25th, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on Refocusing to Handle the Post-2020 Season

The peak season represents the high point of business operations, viewed equally with anticipation and dread. And understandably so, since it presents an excellent opportunity to win customers and finances and reap the rewards of the labour and planning invested throughout the year. But peak season also pushes businesses to their limits of productivity.

To ensure that businesses do not lose the revenue opportunity of the season, peak season planning is done several months in advance and is often a highlight of the annual business strategy. Many businesses push for an increase in capacity and throughput during this time, besides hiring […]

19 12, 2020

Why Planning Integration for Production, Packaging and Transportation matters & Key Pointers for doing it

By |December 19th, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on Why Planning Integration for Production, Packaging and Transportation matters & Key Pointers for doing it

The path to high productivity in supply chain management often requires a fundamental shift in how business is conducted. In the supply chain, the product journey starts at component/raw material procurement, followed by production, packaging, and then transportation to a dealer or the end customer for consumption. Usually, the planning for these processes occurs in silos with little coordination in between – a practice that creates several inter-process bottlenecks. These bottlenecks drive costs and performance pressures. To prevent these bottlenecks and the resulting stresses, the planning approach should emulate the on-ground realities of the supply chain.

To this end, an integrated […]

10 12, 2020

The Importance of Master Data Management

By |December 10th, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on The Importance of Master Data Management

Data intelligence has been in vogue since the last few decades and for good reason. The impact of intelligent technologies, especially AI, on business productivity and efficiency has been significant. In fact, as per McKinsey & Company research, nearly 70% of companies across industries and business functions are expected to implement AI by 2030, with AI delivering a year-on-year global GDP growth of 1.2% per year and “additional economic activity of around $13 trillion by 2030.”

Considering these statistics and how businesses are motivated to carry through their transformation goals, it is crucial to know whether organizations are ready for this […]

3 12, 2020

Moving from Legacy Software to Data Intelligence

By |December 3rd, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on Moving from Legacy Software to Data Intelligence

Moving from Legacy Software to Data Intelligence
Business success today requires intelligent technologies to ensure process efficiency, recognize trends, mitigate risks, and automate repetitive tasks. Implementing smart technologies has, therefore, become an important growth strategy. Before investing in sophisticated and (often) cloud-based data-intelligence solutions, organizations must determine whether their business ecosystems can support such capabilities.

For the past several years, legacy infrastructure (comprising of outdated hardware, operating systems, ERPs, CRMs, etc.) has become incompatible with modern information technology applications. It is, therefore, unable to meet the information needs of businesses or support business innovation. Other issues also emerge, such as high expenditure […]

17 11, 2020

Overcoming the pitfalls of inefficient production planning

By |November 17th, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on Overcoming the pitfalls of inefficient production planning

The success stories of today, in the context of the supply chain, are the ones that are backed by rigorous and coherent planning. Production planning, which is central to the manufacturing exercise, defines the utilization of resources for meeting sales targets within the limiting constraints of the supply and production environment. The plan should set achievable production targets, specify resource allocation for the complete product portfolio for the planning period, and direct the flow of energy, labour, and costs to meet the same. If planning is optimal and efficient, it is intrinsic to ensuring greater profit and service levels in […]

12 11, 2020

The Optimization Imperative for Packaging

By |November 12th, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on The Optimization Imperative for Packaging

The pressures of globalization are not just experienced for the supply, production, and logistics segments of the supply chain but also packaging. The way these products are produced, assembled, and brought to the market has implications on their marketability and the customer buying decision. However, many businesses have made it a part of their supply chain strategy, however there are others who are trying to catch up. But lately, with the emergence of a global conscience on sustainability and a focus on process optimization, greater interest has developed in this dimension.

The Dimensions of Packaging Planning

An analysis of packaging systems including […]

4 11, 2020

Minimizing errors and inefficiencies of dispatch planning with planning automation and optimization

By |November 4th, 2020|Blogs|Comments Off on Minimizing errors and inefficiencies of dispatch planning with planning automation and optimization

Efficiency is the foundation stone of a successful business. The upstream and downstream effects of errors and inefficiencies propagate through the supply chain in increasingly uncertain and equivocal ways that create weak links throughout the chain. Every day, immense human effort and initiatives are directed towards managing the entropy of the supply chain lest errors go unaddressed. Planning, which is a centre point of supply chain management and is at the forefront of supply chain activities, requires consistent improvement and adherence to efficiency and accuracy standards. One such planning dimension is that of dispatch.

It is essential to accurately plan how […]